La Vida Loca de La Gringa

The life of a 23 year old missionary who used to live at an orphanage in Mexcio, but is now trying to adjust to living back in the United States.

Friday, August 11, 2006

It's Been A Long Time

Hello to all of you out there (hello.... helllo....). I knew it! No one is there. Oh well.

It has been quite a while since I have updated this blog. It has been a difficult time in my life, and I really just didn't feel like writing about it, but now things are starting to look up.

I will put the good stuff that has happened in a nutshell. I finally have a job!!!!! Yeah!!!! It took forever, but I am now working as a secretary at a temporary agency. I get the fun job (and yes it is really fun at times) of placing temp secretaries and receptionists with different companies. It is quite a challenge reading people sometimes and trying to figure out if they are going to be dependable or not, but I like it.

Also I joined a gym in July, and this week I have achieved my personal goal of walking and/or running 4 miles a day. I am working up to 5 miles. It hurts, but it is also a great feeling at the end of every day.

My little apartment is almost ready and I am quite proud of of it. It is going to be cute and rustic.

Well that is all I have to say for the moment. I hope that all of you are well and happy.

La Gringa Loca


  • At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    erin, great to hear from you; i was hoping you would give some kind of update soon. take care sister and keep clinging to the one who will never let you go.

    matt noel

  • At 9:00 PM, Blogger berekkah said…

    hey chika- glad you posted, glad que estas acostumbrandote a los EEUU otra vez. (tanto que es posible, yo se.) espero que vienes a visitar a *good ol' este de tejas* para llorar conmigo, alegremente en algun rincon, sonando con lugares llenos de siestas y musica viva y hermanos fervientes en espiritu...


    pero... DIOS ES BUENO. (amen? aMEN!) la vida, el futuro, y toditito esta en sus manos amarosas. hay que confiar en El y amarle con todo que somos, amen?

    ven, muchacha! con mucho carino-


  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger maryincalifornia said…

    Erin!!! How are you my friend?? It has been a long time. I didn't know you had a blog....I'm glad to read that you are doing well. I'm so happy for you in the job - congratulations! And an fun. Where exactly are you? Email me if you get a chance - I would love to catch up more! Take care :)slimbous

  • At 1:55 PM, Blogger Feanor said…

    I had given up. Now I notice the date on this post and give up again, goo'bye.

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger Feanor said…

    She said that she would, but she didn't, and sorrow filled his mind.

  • At 2:40 PM, Blogger Feanor said…

    Hope fades slowly.


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