La Vida Loca de La Gringa

The life of a 23 year old missionary who used to live at an orphanage in Mexcio, but is now trying to adjust to living back in the United States.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Things About Me

Being tagged by Evan, I decided I had better buckle down and do this. So here it is. Make of it what you will! ;)

Eight years ago: I was 15 and trying to get all my school done every day so I could read, read, read! I believe somewhere around this age we were also practicing folk dances and we had a Civil War ball. Evan, you were really short at that time and Courtney and Bethany were quite little. Also during this time, I was preparing to go to Mexico on a mission trip, which would forever change the course of my life!

*5 years ago I was: 18 and full of independence. I had a job, a car, and I really thought I was something! I had just graduated, and was trying to decide what to do with my life (hey I am still doing that) !

*1 year ago I was: Living and working at an orphanage in Mexico surrounded by “my kiddos”, my older girls, my friends from church, and my best friend.

*Yesterday I: went to Nacogdoches to run a ton of errands, then came home and was entertained by the Yerkes family coming to visit. We had a practice round of impromptu speeches, and then Evan and Caleb discussed their ideas of costumes for the costume party ( I am not giving anything away guys)! It was quite amusing.

*5 songs I know all the words to: Dios de la Creacion (Eddie Woolsey), Esperame (Jesus Adrian Romero), Brave (Nichole Nordeman), Pan de Vida (Jesus Adrian Romero), Held (Natalie Grant).

*5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
Build and run my own orphanage
Provide for my family and my second family in Mexico
Buy myself some decent clothes

*5 things I would never wear:
Anything with polka dots
A mini skirt
A naval ring
Shoulder Pads in clothes(I hate them)
Well I can’t think of anything else

*5 bad habits:
Taking the offenses of others on myself
Not always being patient
Letting my emotions dictate my moods (not all the time!)
Getting annoyed when Caleb is hogging the computer! :)

*5 biggest joys:
Sensing God’s leading and presence during my quiet times
Being surrounded by all the people that I love (this applies in Mexico, or here in Texas)
Witnessing to people and being there when they actually accept the Lord
Blogging and e-mailing my friends as well as working with pictures online.
Working in a foreign country on the mission field

La Gringa Loca


  • At 9:04 AM, Blogger Feanor said…

    Yeah the stay at ya'lls house was great. As far as keeping it a seceret, that's very kind of you, but I'm so excited about it that I haven't done much in the seceret-keeping arena, so yeah. I was dreadfully disappointed to find that it was gonna be outside, I had my grand entrance all planned out, oh well.

  • At 4:26 PM, Blogger Bree said…

    Well Golly! I'm sorry Evan.....I told people we didn't just have the biggest house you ever saw.

    It won't all be outside...just a good portion.

    AND.....if you want.....we can have everyone go inside when you drive up, so that you can still make your grand entrance!

    Hello Erin, I hope all's well.
    Wow that sounds like me. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life. (sigh) oh well. See you tomorrow?

  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger berekkah said…

    Que tal, chika-

    me haces sentir bien joven con este, -eight years ago: I was 15..

    la mayoria de lo que escribiste es igual como yo diria... en excepto de *polka dots* que de mal hay de polka dots?!

    muchas gracias por tenernos en tu casa el otro dia- fue lindisimo y me gozo mucho. espero que te sientes mejor [or should it be "te sientas"? silly subjunctive gets me every time.]

    tu hermana en Cristo- Rebekkah

  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger Erin said…

    Hola Rebekkah:

    Estoy muy feliz que estas leyendo mi blog!!!! También estoy disfrutando tu blog.

    Me sento tan vieja! No puedo creer que 8 años atras tuve 15 años.

    Que horrible son *polka dots*! Me dan malas memorias.

    Nos disfrutamos a tener ustedes en nuestra casa. Eres bienvenida cuando quieres visitar. Si estoy sientiendo mucho mejor.

    La Gringa Loca

    Hi Bree:

    Sorry I didn’t get to see you on Friday. I hope that you guys had a great time.

    Wish I could say it gets easier as you get older, but not always! Cling to God and let Him be your rock! That is the only advice I can give you.


  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger berekkah said…

    might there be any more posts for us, erin? (pronounced: eh-reen);)

    also, wanted to recommend in writing:

    check out:

    (CLASSICAL GUITAR- very nice)



    much love!

  • At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Erin, I'm so proud of you. Your day is coming. God will never leave you stranded and your job will happen. There should be a lot of opportunities for one who can speak Spanish.


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