La Vida Loca de La Gringa

The life of a 23 year old missionary who used to live at an orphanage in Mexcio, but is now trying to adjust to living back in the United States.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Coming Home

It has been quite a while since I have taken time to put quill to paper, oh wait fingers to keyboard, and update this blog! Since the last time I wrote, I have made the long journey home to East Texas and am now restored to my family (I think I have had too much leisure to read Jane Austen novels since coming home!).

I left on March 1st, and although I am writing this with humor it was heart wrenching to leave. The younger kids and the girls sobbed, my best friend Leydi and I sobbed, and the older boys ate donuts! :) As I got on that airplane, I thought my heart would break. The older couple sitting next to me observed my tears, but thankfully didn't pry. My emotions were so raw and still are, although, I am doing a better job of hiding them.

On a happier note I am getting to see all the changes in my brothers, sister, and niece. It is very funny to see how grown up they are now. So much changes in such a short time. If we blink, we miss it.

It is hard to write much more without crying, so I will save the post about my final days at the Ranch for later. It's sufficient for now just to be home and trying to adjust. My post on how weird it is to be once again immersed into American culture will be forthcoming!

La Gringa Loca


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