La Vida Loca de La Gringa

The life of a 23 year old missionary who used to live at an orphanage in Mexcio, but is now trying to adjust to living back in the United States.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Usual

So things have returned back to normal, or as normal as things ever are here! We have received 3 new children. A 12 year old girl named Raquel (Rachel) and two little boys, Obed (5) and Sergio (8). They are still adjusting to the schedule and discipline here. Obed justs wants someone to hold him.

We have a new American girl here. Her name is Callan and she is from Dean's church in New Orleans. She is very sweet, but a little timid. She spent her 19th birthday being dragged all around Juarez with me in the rain! We had to go buy the groceries at Sams. It took 4 carts loaded to the brims. Just think, in two weeks it will all be gone and I will be heading back there again. It had not been raining when we entered the store, but the minute we stepped outside it started to pour. Needless to say loading the groceries was quite an adventure!

It has been raining for 2 days straight here in Guadalupe and the roads are a mess. I am trying to teach Joseylin to drive, so this has been an adventure for her. These are the times when a lot of people crash into the Ranch because they try to go mudding and lose control.

Anyway I guess I'll get back to work now! :)

La Gringa Loca

Monday, July 25, 2005


Yesterday was Matt's (one of our staff) last day at the Ranch. He had asked me to run him to El Paso that night and I agreed not knowing we were going on an adventure. I should have known though because that is always life with Matt.

Anyway we decided to go through Juarez and cut across into El Paso to miss the line that is always at the Fabens border on Sundays. We had what we thought were good directions. Well we got into El Paso, and we took what we thought was the right turn and proceeded on our way looking for the McRae exit. We were deep in the middle of conversation when I realized we had been driving a long time and had seen no sign of that particular exit. We called his buddy who had given us the directions and he assured us we were going the right way, so we continued driving. It was not until we crossed over the state line into New Mexico that I realized something must not be quite right!!!! Turns out his buddy had thought we were coming from a different direction. I have never laughed so hard as when we made a u turn and saw the sign saying "Welcome to Texas." I joked around with Matt who is from North Carolina that at least he could say he visited Texas, Mexico, and New Mexico. At around 10:00 PM we finally found his friend's house after driving around for 3 hours (that also included a meal stop). I told him we should have just kept going and had a second vacation in Las Cruces!

Anyway I am back in the middle of the daily grind. Today is my day to go to Sams and buy the groceries for the Ranch. I also cooked breakfast for the kids this morning and have guard at lunch. It is a busy day, but I'll feel like I really accomplished something at the end of it.

Gotta run,

Friday, July 22, 2005

What A Vacation!!!!

I am not even going to attempt to recap all that has gone before. I'll just start with the most recent events.

In the beginning of July, I went home to spend time with my family. It was wonderful to see many of you as well as just spend some time relaxing with my parents and brothers and sisters.

The very next day after I returned home from visiting with my family all the leaders left for our week retreat to the beach at San Carlos in the state of Sonora. I have never really gone to the beach before, so I was like an excited child. I scampered all around picking up a ton of sea shells. Leydi got tired of saying "oh how pretty" as I collected a jillion!!!! We went to a resort hotel and because they only have 150 rooms in operation as they are in the process of restoration we got a great deal. It had a huge pool, a horse ranch, and free snorkeling and kayaking. I enjoyed snorkeling so much. There were so many beautiful fish and even the rocks were beautiful!!!:) We rented four-wheelers and rode all along the beach. Leydi said she had never seen me so crazy as when I was driving the four-wheeler!!! We also went sailing, hiking, and exploring in the nearby town of Guaymas. I put on tons and tons of sunblock, but still managed to get burned. I am now the red gringa!

Anyway we returned on Sunday and have started back into our work. I was so glad to see my "babies" and happy to return to my schedule of work and being with them.

Wednesday and Thursday I took Joseylin for more exams to get into college. It is such a big deal to get into college here. It takes so much time, energy, and paperwork. She is due to start in August.

Anyway it is time to get back to work. I'll write more later.
