La Vida Loca de La Gringa

The life of a 23 year old missionary who used to live at an orphanage in Mexcio, but is now trying to adjust to living back in the United States.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Merry Late Christmas

Hello Again to all my friends:

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas!

I didn't get to go home this year, but I spent Christmas with my good friend Leydi and her family. It was a different type of Christmas, but I enjoyed it. They have their big Christmas dinner on the 24th which they call noche buena (good night literally). The 25th is the time to open gifts, etc... On the 24th we ate a delicious dinner of turkey, pechuga de pollo (chicken breast stuffed with chiles and cheese and wrapped in bacon), corn, lots and lots of jalapeƱos, some type of mexican pasta, and fruit with cool whip for dessert.

I have had a touch of the flu, but it is finally going away. Leydi and I are enjoying our vacations from the Ranch. We are here at the internet cafe in Juarez.

Anyway I could write more, but we have to go.

Happy New Year!

La Gringa Loca, Erin

Finally my 5 weird Habits

Erin's 5 Weird Habits (I am sure most people are saying, "Wow, only 5!)

1. When my hair is dirty, I have to put it up in a tight ponytail because if it is touching my face I feel dirty all over.

2. When I am nervous about talking to people I don't know, I have a tendency to cover my mouth with my hands while talking to them.

3. I have lost every pair of sunglasses I have ever owned, but I never lose my keys!

4. I am very fastidious about trying to keep my room clean, but my car is a mess!

5. I chew on pens when I am thinking, so everyone always knows which ones are mine!

That's my 5 weird habits!

La Gringa Loca

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Way Too Long!

I can't believe I have been so remiss in posting. I'll just use the typical excuse that I have been very busy! Lame I know, but still true. :)

How do I even go into posting about all the things that have happened since my last post, which I think was about Katrina!

I guess I should just start from right now. Life is very busy here as we prepare for all of the kids to leave on vacations tomorrow. For various reasons, I am not going home this Christmas and waves of homesickness attack me. I will be leaving the Ranch to come home for a season in February, so it is not too bad knowing that I will see them all soon.

My baby, Jessica, is back at the Ranch and I am so enjoying having her here. She still calls me "Mommy Erin". DIF (Children's Protective Services of Mexico) has decided to let her return to her mom during the Christmas holidays. I am very afraid that her mom will take her and run and that we will never see her again. If you think about it, please be in prayer for her. She can now say several things in English: "Bony Hiney" (don't ask why!), "I love you Mommy", and "That's hilarious".

I am supposed to be posting my five weirdest habits, but I am having a hard time thinking of some at the moment. That can wait until later.

Anyway I guess that is all for now. Thanks go out to Evan for the "kick"!

La Gringa Loca