La Vida Loca de La Gringa

The life of a 23 year old missionary who used to live at an orphanage in Mexcio, but is now trying to adjust to living back in the United States.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Picture Share!

Jair and leydi

A Picture Share!

A beautiful pic i took of the mexican flag at a park in juarez. It is huge. Erin

Another Soul for the Lord!

Praise the Lord! After much prayer and soul searching, Karla finally gave her heart to the Lord on Saturday! We had an evangelistic meeting for the town of Guadalupe and she told me that she was going to be ready to go forward at the altar call. When the time came, she took my hand and we walked down together. It was a big step for her as all the girls who torment her were there along with many of the population of Guadalupe. We knelt down at the front, and with tears streaming down her face she prayed the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard. She acknowledged her sin, repented, asked the Lord to save her, and then begin to plead for her family. There is no other joy like it. I sat there beside her and bawled and prayed for her life. God has really done a work in her and she is hungry for the things of God. She has been bugging me about studying the Bible with her so we are going to start tonight!

She is an encouragement to me in my battles with the other older girls. Satan is actively at work here and the spiritual battle only seems to intensify. Sometimes I feel drained and I run back to God and say "I have nothing more to give", and He reminds me that in my own strength of course I don't.

We had the college group here from Dean's church recently and they were such a blessing to me. I enjoyed just hanging out with young people who truly desire God and desire to be holy.

Anyway I need to start my office work.

Erin <><

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Picture Share!

I am teaching english this morning. This is the 2nd grade class. Erin

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Well there is a lot of stuff going on right now! The accountant is down here and she is going over our books as I sit by her side with bated breath hoping I got it all right!!! She is also prepping me to take over the rest of the office responsibilities that I don't already have. Dean would basically just approve and review what I do, but I would handle the rest. It is a big responsibility and there is the tendency to feel overwhelmed, but thank the Lord, He is giving me strength and understanding.

All the leaders are going on a retreat to the beach at Guaymas in July!!! I am so excited. We will be living in condos and enjoying just relaxing and the beautiful views. We can go whale watching, kayaking, snorkeling, and all kinds of other fun stuff. It is going to be just what we need to revive us in the middle of summer and with all the groups that are here.

We just finished up with our first group of pre-summer! It went pretty well. It was a group of young people (15-17) from Colorado. It's interesting to watch the diversity in a group. There were people who took initiative and people who didn't. Overall I enjoyed them, and the kids were thrilled to have so many people there to shower them with the attention that we don't always have time to give.

My good friend, Erica, is back visiting. Some of you know that she lived here for about 6 months and left in December. I am so enjoying catching up with her.

One thing that is worrying me right now is that my great- grandma, Nana, is in the hospital. She and I are extremely close. If you think about it, keep her in your prayers. She is one special lady.

Anyway that is enough for now,
La Gringa Loca

Saturday, May 21, 2005


This little boy is a doll and extremely tiny for being 5 years old. Personally, I think his mom lied so we would take him. He has won over all our hearts.

Joseylin & Erin

This is a picture of Joseylin and I checking out couches at a furniture store in Juarez. Note to Readers: Don't go into a furniture store when tired or bored!!!! We had way too much fun testing all the chairs, beds, and couches.

Sonia Edith

This is my good buddy, Sonia Edith (15), who stayed with me during vacations. For her age, she is very mature and her spiritual growth is amazing. I enjoy spending time with her.

Leydi & Erin

This is a picture taken during the winter of me and my good friend, Leydi.

Yeraldi & Berenice

I finally figured out how to post pictures from my cellphone. It has taken me most of today (that shows you how smart I am with computers)! Anyway so I hope to be posting lots more pictures

Yeraldi and berenice

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Water Fights & More

It has finally started and is my #1 sign that summer will soon be here. The spontaneous water fights are breaking out all over the place. Yesterday, Hermano Jorge started one that got everybody, even the group of Americans, slinging water everywhere. Since last summer, I have prepared very well and now have water shoes and my own bucket!!!! I was able to wreak some havoc along with the rest of them!!!! If this heat keeps up, I forsee water fights every day.

Yesterday at school went very well. The Lord gave me ideas faster than I could use them. In our English book we were doing a sequence (very hard to explain this book) on the Birth of Jesus, so I got the idea to divide 4th, 5th, and 6th grades up into separate teams and have them act it out. I gave prizes to the best team. It went really well. The kids were excited and they were learning English in what was to them entertainment!!!!

I have had a sweet American girl, Danielle, living with me for the past week. She has truly been a blessing. She has been coming to the Ranch since she was 12 and she is now 17. Her servant's heart is a shining example. She cooked breakfast and dinner every day for the American group, and believe me this group eats a ton.

Anyway speaking of food, Martina is cooking flautas today for the Americans and the kids and I told her I would help, so that is enough for now.

La Gringa Loca

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Battle Continues!

I think the Lord must be trying to teach me a lesson in patience because never have I had so many problems with the girls as I have had in the past 2 weeks as well as this one. Attitudes have flared and many angy and foolish words have been spoken or yelled at me. The Lord has been very faithful to strengthen me and help me to respond in an appropriate manner.

Yesterday was an extremely busy day for me. As the summer nears and the groups of Americans begin to come every week my workload increases. Paul (one of our workers) wasn't here to make breakfast yesterday, but he forgot to ask me to make it. The girls came knocking on my door at 6:45 AM telling me there was no one in the kitchen. I hurridly unthawed some milk, poured cereal in bowls, got the kids to be quiet, settled fights, and took away one love note! That was an interesting and crazy beginning to my day. I went to town to get groceries for the group, came back and helped Martina make enchiladas, served the Americans lunch at 1:00 PM and had my guard in the dining room with the kids at 2:30PM. I took Sonia Edith to town to buy some school supplies, came back to attend leader's meeting, and then rushed back to town after forgetting to buy ice for the group. After that I had guard with the girls until I put them to bed at 9:00PM. Even as I write this, I can't believe all that happened yesterday.

Last night, I had behavorial problems with two of my girls. I have to ask to God for patience not to respond to the horrible things they can say when angry. One of the girls told me no to my face more than once and I put her with her nose against the wall outside in front of the Americans. I told her she would stay there all night if necessary (I had Dean's permission) until she could ask for my forgiveness. I knew I was in for a long battle. Finally around 10:00PM she overcame her pride and sobbing asked me for forgiveness.

This morning, when I went to wake up the girls it was "get up on the wrong side of the bed day". Everyone was grumpy and fighting with each other. I finally sat them all down on their beds and asked them why we were all fighting. I told them that this is not a good way to start the day.

I don't want everyone to think that I always have bad times with the girls. There are those precious moments I wouldn't trade for the world. Karla 1 used to be my main troublemaker, but God is doing such an amazing work in her life. I am left standing in awe. Last week, she got majorly punished for her behavior and Leydi and I really spoke the word into her life and thank God, He got through to her. Crying she told us her story and her desire to change. She asked for our help and committed to pray with us this week about becoming a Christian. We see so many kids here walk down the aisle and not really know what they are doing, so we really wanted her to see the seriousness of accepting the Lord as her Savior. We told her at the end of the week, if the Lord was still putting the desire on her heart Dean, Leydi, and I would pray with her. This week she has had to endure the laughter and jokes of the other girls at her expense and yet she has continued to change and now is no longer a problem for anyone. She and I have a secret word. When she is feeling low and needs someone she comes up and whispers the word "Negro (black)" in my ear and I know she needs me. I am once again just in awe of how the Lord moves in the lives of children that we think will never change. He is so faithful.

Anyway that is enough for now,
La Gringa Loca

Friday, May 13, 2005

The War For Their Hearts and Minds

This week has been an ongoing spirtual battle for me. I really think it is one of the hardest weeks I have been though since coming here. It has really prompted me, though, to seek comfort and guidance even more from the Lord.

There are many days when it is easy to see the spirtual battle being fought in the hearts of our kids and Wednesday was one such day. I was teaching as usual and 2nd grade came through, 3rd grade went fine, 4th grade were enthusiastic, and then came 5th grade and the battle began. I try to be enthusiastic with my kids and get them excited about learning English. Everyone was participating and really getting into it except Angelica and Berenice. At first, I tried to ignore it becasue if they don't want to learn I can't force them, but when they began deliberately interrupting the class to the point that I had to take action I knew I had to do something.

I don't know if all children are stubborn, but ours at the Ranch seem to take stubborness/willfulness to an extreme. Since in our English book we were using the story of Jonah, I decided to have those two girls copy out Chapter 4 for punishment. The rest would work on another assignment. They told me no to my face, paced around the classroom, and generally made a great show of defiance. I calmly told them that I would happily stay with them all day until they finished. They didn't believe me, but as I held them back for the next class they started to get nervous that I might be serious. Deciding to test me they began throwing notes back and forth to each other and the other children. They did everything they could to push every button I have and by the end of 6th grade they had disrupted the whole class to where I coudn't control anyone. I had to go and get Leydi to help me. I knew this was a test because they wanted me to get mad and yell at them in front of the class. I was praying and asking God for the words to use and patience. When everything was finally under control, they were severly punished. Not only did they finish copying the chapter, they cleaned the entire dorm, washed all the dishes, and swept and mopped the floor of the kitchen.

In the beginning, it was almost as though I could see into the mind of Angelica while she was battling whether or not to control her behavior or not. I see so clearly the war that goes on every day for their hearts and minds.

The thing that I give glory to God for, is that later that night there was a knock on my door. There they stood in tears asking me for forgiveness and asking me to pray for them. I was touched once again at how God, even when I have given up hope, is still working in their lives. Leydi and I were able to share with them from the word and from our hearts and pray with them. Once again these are the small victories that give me hope and renew my strength. I thank the Lord that he is always working.

Anyway I am driving the teachers to their luncheon today in Juarez today and when I get back I have guard. That pretty much sums it up for now.

La Gringa Loca,

Monday, May 09, 2005

Mother’s Day and Surprise Birthday Party

Mother’s Day in Mexico seems to me to be very different than in the States. They are very big on singing to their mothers here. In fact, my friend Leydi’s brother and his youth group will be out until 3:00AM in the morning singing to all the mothers from his church. I think my father would take the shotgun out if someone came and sang to mom that early in the morning! Here the people do not have a lot of money so to me they are more sincere about celebrating their moms by actions and words rather than with materialistic things. Anyway on that note, just wanted to say that I am blessed to have the mother I have and I hope she had a wonderful Mother's day. I love you Mom.

We celebrated Mother’s day with a big fiesta yesterday (although here in Mexico, it won’t be Mother’s day until tomorrow). We invited all the mothers of our children at the Ranch and all the moms of the children at school. The fiesta was held in our brand new library which is huge and has gorgeous chandeliers. There was of course tons of cake and punch and beautiful decorations (which we spent the better part of Saturday putting up). I also made a ton of corsages until I was sick of them!!! We were very surprised by the turnout. The library was full of moms. We played lots of games, which were extremely hilarious. I had no idea moms could be so competitive. There was one game which resembled hockey except the sticks were brooms and the pucks balloons. I have never seen anyone try to get a goal as hard as these women did. They even knocked over some children who had gotten too close!!!! Then there was the other game where we tied a balloon to the leg of every mom and they all had to try and pop the balloon of every one else. It came down to two valiant moms who duked it out until we called a tie. The evening was deemed a success by all!

Friday was Tita’s birthday, but I never could find time to throw her a party. Saturday and Sunday passed by and finally today I got everything together and we are going to have a party tonight. She is always so surprised when we do things like this. She always just thinks (or in her case hopes) that we have forgotten! I let the girls decorate my room with balloons and streamers and I have a cake, chips, and soda. All things that young teenage girls love!!!! It should be fun.

Anyway we finally have DSL in the Ranch, so now it is much easier to communicate with all of you out there.

Jordan, thank you for being so faithful to post comments. I love reading them.

La Gringa Loca,

Saturday, May 07, 2005

9 hours and my girls!

Thursday, the day started out with a very interesting situation. Dean discovered that someone had gotten into the back of the chapel where we keep the personal hygiene stuff and covered parts of the floor and wall with shaving cream. They had also knocked a lot of stuff off the shelves and generally created a mess. We knew it was one of the kids, and so Dean called all the kids to the chapel and told them no one was leaving until someone confessed. We were about to get a lesson in the stubborness of children.

To make it worse they were on vacation from school, so no one was too happy about being being cooped up in the hot chapel. All the leaders took turns watching them every hour. The first to "confess" were two of my girls, Angelica and Karla. Knowing them the way I do, I am sure their reasons stemmed from wanting to impress the boys and save everybody from being stuck there all day. When Dean discovered that they couldn't even tell him how they entered, he knew they were lying and told them that their punishment would be worse than the one who did it because they weren't telling the truth. After that one of our older boys had a long coversation with one of our littlest boys, Aron (6), who then proceeded to confess. Everyone started laughing, though, when he said he entered from the laundry room (which is miles away from the chapel) and hid the shaving cream there. Through his laughter, Dean told him to get back in the chapel. In the end, the kids spent 9 hours on Thursday in the chapel. It was not a pleasant situation. Dean did feed them and in the end took pity on them and sent them to bed at nine. My boss is a very determined man. He told the kids they would spend the next four days in the chapel until someone confessed. Finally, Friday morning Daniel (12) confessed. It is amazing to me how stubborn our kids can be sometimes. That sin nature sure shows through!!!!

I wanted to share a little bit about my girls. They are so extremely different and unique. Each one has her unique personality.

First there is Elisa (12). She has been on my heart and in my prayers lately. She had began to spend a lot of time with one of our older girls who has some really bad attitudes and she started to act just like her. I have had many conversations with her on that subject and it all went in one ear and out the other or so I thought. Just recently, I have seen God began to move in her heart and she has become much more open and affectionate with me! She is so beautiful (I think all our girls are) with long striking black hair and just like any mother when we go out and some young oaf looks her over I give him my evil eye!!!!! It's amazing the protectiveness I feel for her and all my girls.

Then there is Lourdes (12), my drama queen. No one ever understands her! The leaders are all against her and she doesn't know what to do. I sigh as I try to reason with her, understanding her only too well as my mother could testify. Her mother didn't want her, so most of her life she has lived with her grandmother who she calls Mom. She never wanted to come to the Ranch and she is still having a hard time fitting in. She is my loner who never wants to participate in what the rest of us are doing.

Cecilia (12) and Bere (11). These two are sisters and as different as night and day. Bere is very intelligent, makes good grades at school, but isn't very savy socially. Cecy hates school, but is wonderful with people and making friends.

Andrea (10) is I hate to admit it one of my favorites! For all that she is has been through (a horribly abusive father), she has such a sweet spirit and a servant's heart. She is the only one I trust in my room or to run errands. She is always ready to work and serve.

Karla 2 (10) breaks my heart. She comes out of what Dean calls "the worst case of child abuse he has ever heard of". Sometimes I just hold her and we cry together because she is tormented by her past. We pray and pray for God to free her from the memories. She doesn't fit in well with the other girls and has a hard time just being an innocent little girl. She is very loving, quiet, and withdrawn.

Flor (8) is my energetic one. She is always bouncing all over the place and she remins me of Tigger off "Winnie the Pooh". She has been at the Ranch for a long time and so is little Miss Bossy Pants to the others who haven't been there that long. She has a passion for rollerskating!

Areli & Adeli (7) my twins exasperate me and make me laugh! Two little bolts of mischievous energy who are always looking for something to get involved in. They really are busy bodies who listen in on coversations and then report them all wrong. I can't tell you how many times people have got info wrong because of them. They are so hungry for love and affection. They just want you to hold them!

Griselda(5) is my little charmer. Always laughing and bubbly, she is my definition of an innocent child despite her background ( which is anything but nice and pleasant). She is the baby of everyone in the Ranch.

Biri (6) is a child that at times confuses me. She has a loving, childish side, but she acts like an adult. She is very closed off to people at times and other times she is open. I still haven't figured her out.

Esme(6) is my little know it all. If there is something going on, she'll know about it. I have a lot of problems with her bossing everybody else around, but also she is such a crackup. She keeps us constantly laughing.

Anyway that is just a little glimpse of my little girls. Next time I'll write about the older ones.

La Gringa Loca,

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Hello Again!

Well today is a much better day. Thanks to the Lord, Joseylin found her certificate and so went yesterday and registered for her first semester of classes. I feel like a mother as I admonish her on the dangers of college life because in the end all I can do is watch and pray that she will grow stronger in her faith and not weaker.

Today I am in the office working on normal office things, then I leave to run some errands in town, and return to finish making 100 corsages for the big Mother's Day celebration on Sunday. We are inviting all the mothers from the school and any of our kid's mothers that want to come. We hope to share the gospel as part of the program. It should be interesting.

Anyway that pretty much sums up my day today.

La Gringa Loca,

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

One of those days

Yesterday was certainly a trial in faith! There are days when I wonder what I am doing working with children. The girls fought me at every turn yesterday. First, I had guard duty at lunch and all the boys ran off without doing their chores. That was frustrating to say the least. Then Josyelin lost her certificate from middle school. If she doesn't have it, she won't be able to enter college this semester. I drove her from friend's house to friend's house looking for it, but she still couldn't find it. She was pretty discouraged.

I had the guard that night, so I prepared to play with the girls outside. The girls, however, had decided they wanted to watch a movie. When I said no attitudes got surly.

On top of that, one of our girls thinks she is always sick. We have taken her at least eight times to the doctor. She has had extensive blood work done, a cardiologist has checked her heart, and other doctors have said she is perfectly normal, and yet she thinks there is something terribly wrong with her. Yesterday, she decided to pull one of her sick spells and I had 5 hysterical 10 years olds telling me she was dying and that I didn't care about her because I wasn't rushing her to the hospital. We called the doctor and she said that it wasn't an emergency and probably a little motrin would do the trick.

One of my little girls stole candy and I had to punish her by sending her to her bed. She flat out told me no, so then I had to discipline her. She fought me the entire time and I thought to myself "Why am I wrestling with a 7 year old?" I finally just decided to take her to Dean. When she calmed down I was able to explain to her that I love her very much, but she can't behave like that.

By this time, I was exhausted, but Berenice has two huge boils that I had to try to drain. Ok, I know that sounds disgusting, but that is the only way to get them better. I spent an hour trying to get all the infection out. I felt so horrible because she was in so much pain. I will have to finish that job this afternoon.

Sometimes I get panicked when I think of where these girls could be heading if they don't change, and then the Lord then gently reminds me that He is in control over these girl's lives and that I am just His vessel.

Today I am working in the office and then heading to Juarez to go shopping for the school with Lety, the principal.

Oh by the way, I have a new car!!! It is really wonderful. Someone donated it the Ranch and Dean gave it to me. To be able to leave on my day off and get some time away from the Ranch is such a blessing.

Anyway I have to get back to work,Erin